M.C. Hammer has a song with the chorus, "You got to pray, just to make it today!" This statement reminds me of St. Paul's exhortation to "pray constantly" (1 Thes 5:16-18). Does St. Paul mean that we must be reciting prayers every second of every minute of every hour? Not necessarily. He is encouraging us to keep in communication, in holy communion, with God throughout each day.
As an illustration, imagine that your entire life was experienced through facebook (for some this may not be difficult to imagine, sadly). In this case, to "pray constantly" would be to constantly have open chat windows to the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, and any saints that are on your "friends" list! You aren't constantly chatting with them, but the chat windows are open. Just like in facebook, it feels good just to know that these heavenly friends are "online" and ready and eager to listen to you at any time, to listen to your thoughts, feelings, desires, plans, etc., and to respond to you in various, sometimes unexpected, ways.
Sometimes the Lord shows me that certain events or objects can be great reminders to pray; here are some prayer reminders:
-Difficult/obnoxious people: pray for the grace to be charitable to them
-People in uniform: Say a quick prayer for them, e.g. "Jesus, please surround this soldier with angels to protect him physically and spiritually, Amen!"
-Religious statues and images: pray a quick prayer to the person or angel represented, e.g. when you see a statue of St. Michael, pray the St. Michael prayer
-Ambulances and sirens: pray for those who may be injured or in danger
-Clocks/watches: at 3:00pm, the hour of Jesus' death, thank him for his sacrifice. Also, you could close your eyes for 30 seconds and visualize him on the cross for love of you, or pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, or visit Jesus in the tabernacle, etc. Jesus told St. Faustina that he would grant special graces if we pray during this hour, the "Hour of Mercy"
-"Made in China" stickers: pray for the persecuted Church in China
-The news: "pray the news" when you hear about disasters, etc.; pray especially for those who've died
-The wind: when you notice the wind, say a quick prayer to the Breath of God, e.g "Come Holy Spirit"
-Brushing your teeth: pray prayers posted on your mirror, e.g. a list of people who need prayer
-Experiencing pain: tell Jesus you love him and offer him your pain, e.g. imitate Jesus and pray "Father, let this cup pass me by, but not my will but thine be done"; also you can pray for those who suffer in the same way, e.g. when you get a headache, pray for all who have a headache
-Experiencing beauty: when you notice beauty present in a person, in nature, or in art, thank and praise God
-Waking up: pray the traditional "Morning Offering": "O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass through out the world today, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of my relatives and friends, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father, Amen!"
I find many prayer reminders while driving. When I pass by certain things, I often turn off the radio briefly to say a quick prayer. Here are some prayer reminders while on the road:
-Catholic Churches: as you pass a Church, cross yourself, turn your mind to Jesus in the tabernacle of that Church, and pray, "Jesus, I believe you are present in the tabernacle there; thank You for your presence," or this traditional prayer, "O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment thine" (if you have time, stop in for a quick visit to the tabernacle!)
-Hospitals: you can ask the Divine Physician to heal and comfort everyone inside, and to prepare the dying to meet him
-Abortion Clinics, Strip Clubs, Adult Bookstores, Hooters Restaurants, etc.: pray the St. Michael Prayer for the conversion of the customers, employees and owners, and be careful not to have a judgmental attitude when you pray
-Graveyards: pray for the repose of the souls, e.g. "May they rest in the peace of Christ"
-People who cut you off in traffic: pray for them (after all, Jesus commands us to pray for our enemies!)
A powerful, ancient way to pray constantly is to recite the "Jesus prayer": "Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner." I pray this sometimes when I'm walking from place to place. It's a great way to connect with Jesus in the down times of the day. Or, pray the rosary or divine mercy chaplet. Or, you can simply repeat the holy names of Jesus and Mary, with love and devotion.
These are a few ideas; if you have any more please email them to me (nateharburg@gmail.com). St. Paul's words to the Thessalonians are God's words to each of us, today: "Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thes 5:16-18).
"Dear Father, please show us how to pray constantly. Send your Spirit and our guardian angels to remind us to pray throughout each day. Thank you for hearing our prayer and answering it in your perfect way, in Jesus' Mighty name, Amen."
Thank you Deacon Nate for your ideas! Here are some other ideas in trying to pray constantly in our daily living as you requested:
ReplyDelete- when swimming/doing water aerobics, recall our baptism & renew our baptismal call
- see someone running - pray that they persevere
- when a bus or train pass your way, pray for all the passengers, for their salvation & conversion and to grant them the grace to think of Him and experience His presence while they journey
- when driving on the freeway - keep vigilance in your surroundings and drive cautiously knowing you are entrusted with the life of those around you and if you see someone up ahead struggling with changing lanes or a driver going to fast pray for them, prayer is powerful they will get a chance to change lanes safely and the other will slow down and maybe our prayer can help keep an accident from happening.
- pray for those crossing the street while you wait at the intersection
- when you are about to walk in the grocery store pray for peace to enter into the hearts of all and for help in buying what is good for their health and pray their food may go a long way.
- if you see a homeless person and cannot stop say a prayer for them
- see someone picking up cans/plastic bottles pray that they may find Christ and what they need
- if you see a person walking alone at night in the streets pray for their safety.
- if there is a long line at the store pray for everyone to have patience and that they see it as a way of practicing virtue.
- when you go to confession pray for everyone and yourself for the grace to make a good confession
- if you are going to the theater to watch a movie ask Jesus to pour His Precious Blood on everyone and pray for everyone's conversion and safe return home.
- when you are playing sports or a board game offer it up for those who are poor sports that they may have fun and enjoy the company of others
- place a Cross or an image of Christ above your computer to remind you to look at Jesus and tell Him He is the head of your household, your life and your computer work, whether typing work, blogging or visiting websites.